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First Day At The Gym ...

Well, I joined the local Bally's Gym about a week ago but have been so busy with other things that I have not had the chance to go. Starting today (Monday) I will be going every day this week. It is in walking distance from the apt. so that is good. One of the goals I set for myself, once moved here, was to start working on my weight. Doing this will make me feel a lot better about myself. I have done it before and I know I can do it again. I just know that the first week will be rough. But once I get into a routine, I will start feeling guilty about not going and I will force myself. My goal is to lose about 30 to 40 lbs. My ideal weight is about 170 to 175 and I want to lose as much as possibly before it starts getting warm out. Wish me luck! I will definitely be keeping you all updated.

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My name is Dinh Quang Huy or known as alias NhamNgaHanh .I made this template in magazine style and named it Simplex Darkness .I hope it helpful to persons who want a solutions for a template in Blogspot.To download this template and see template install instruction ,go to Simplex Design blog.

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